Today my brother, Derek, would've been 48 years old. It is amazing when I think about how strong are the memories of my brother in my mind, considering that he passed away 30 years ago just one month shy of his 18th birthday. His young life was lived fast and quick--I believe there were inner demons he daily fought. No matter how much trouble he got into though, there was a vulnerability about him that kept you from taking offense of his oftimes departures into the crazy. One day about a year before his departure, it seemed as if he just woke up. Woke up! He was an altogether different person, serious person. He set about changing his world, creating order and structure, and setting a path and goals for himself. It's almost as if he knew he didn't have a lot of time to make things right, but damn it if he didn't make a dent! We all realized that he'd chosen to take the high road, and we all jumped on his bandwagon and rooted him along. I'd like to think... actually I know if he'd had more time, we would've witnessed a butterfly emerging from his cocoon. Well, Happy Birthday, Brother! Know that you are in our hearts and that we remember and honor you, not only on this day but everyday.