Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Artastic February Challenge

This month's inspiration for February's challenge at Artastic was this wonderful piece by Mary Cassatt.  Some have called it "The Bath" but from what I found, this piece actually has no title.
This is a beautiful painting and I just loved the soft colors used by the artist.  I didn't quite use these colors in my LO because I'm not really a pastelly sort of girl ;D.  I did, however, tried to capture the victorian look of the piece in my LO.  As shabby chic is not my style, I'm not sure I pulled it off but I'll still share this LO with you!
Here are some details:
I did a lot of chalking around the edges and I got to use these pretty pearls.
The lace was originally white and I sprayed it with emerald sprinkle SmootchSPRITZ.  I did some stamping and used some great cardstock stickers by Pebbles.
My journaling explains what I mentioned earlier in this post about Temple being a shower girl.
I absolutely loved making these paper flowers and I don't know why I don't do it more often (I think I've only made them once).  I cut out the circles and then I sprayed them with Glimmer Mists and the Smootch spritz.  I then balled them up and spread them back out.  I used my trustee Stickles around the edges of each petal and when the Stickles dried I assembled the flowers and added the centers.

This LO totally took me out of my comfort zone but we need to do that from time to time just to keep our creative juices flowing--don't you think so too!

Thanks for stopping by!
Best regards and Happy Scrapping!


~EssenseVibez~ said...

you did a great job steppin' out of your comfort zone--mahhh-va-;ouuusss!!

shortywithastory said...

This is a beautiful piece. I love all the detail and those gorgeous flowers, plus, the color combo is fab!
You rocked this one!

Unknown said...

that shower girl layout is amazing! I love it! the colors and scheme just go so well!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I absolutely love what you did in your layout! You have so inspired me to do one for Ashlea and Jon-Christopher. I actually have some bath pix of the little man waiting. Your flowers are incrdible!
Kim xXx

Do What You Love said...

Robin, this is a gorgeous layout - absolutely fantastic! I love all the elements you used and the flowers are simply beautiful. Temple makes the perfect model! Yes, we must get out of our comfort zones but honey, it seems to me you just excelled - taking it to another level, yet again! ;D

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Best regards and Happy Scrapping!
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