Friday, February 5, 2010

It's Sketch Friday at Practical Scrappers!

Our sketch this week is provided by our talented Ann-Katrin:

For this sketch and for a change of pace, I decided to do a digi-layout!
These pics were taken last Spring which at this point in time, I am longing for!  We'd spent a great day in the park!  Make sure to stop by Practical Scrappers to see the wonderful LOs done by my fellow DT members!

Thanks for looking and Happy Scrapping!


Unknown said...

RObin, your sketch take was great! Good job!

Do What You Love said...

Robin, your scrap pages are always amazing. I love how you put things together to make a beautiful story. I adore your family pictures - they are great memoirs and are perfect conversation pieces. I hope you have a great weekend!

Random Acts of Krafting said...

Just wonderful! I am impressed with how nice digital layouts can turn out.

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

OMG, so loving it!It is just gorgeous, I love the spring pinks and greens! Just perfect!
Kim xXx

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Best regards and Happy Scrapping!
Thanks for looking

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