Sunday, February 28, 2010

Wonderful News!

I am so excited to share that I've just become a new design team member of Tellens Place Designs!  TPD is a new site that I spoke about in an earlier post--it sells digi images created by Terry's son, Markus.  This site is also the go-to place to purchase the most adorable mini album kits. 

I hope you will drop by and see us (frequently;D)!!!

Best regards and Happy Scrapping!


~EssenseVibez~ said...

hey sis---congratz--looks like we're gonna be working together to get this place jumpin'---remain blessed!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Way to go, girlie! I'm so excited for you! I get to play there a couple times a month! Congrats!
Kim xXx

Do What You Love said...

Hey, hey --- I'M EXCiTED! Two of my favorite sisters, talented and beautiful all in the same breath! I'm truly blessed! Woohoo!! :D

Heidi M said...

Congratulations, Robin! How exciting!! I will definitely stop by and check it out.

Heidi :)

Nadya 's World!!! said...

That's awesome!!! :) Congratulations girl!!! Your going going to be AWESOME there!:)

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Best regards and Happy Scrapping!
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