Sunday, April 18, 2010

Some Pictures to Share!

Yesterday morning, Charles decided that we needed a few plants to add to our front and back yards.  So, we went to a new nursery that just opened about 1/2 mile down the road from us.

So Temple, ever the Daddy's girl, got to pick most of the flowers (with a little help from Mommy and Daddy!)
I must say, she took her assignment very seriously, chose well and even pulled the cart around the lot to the register.

While we were there, we picked up some plants for my mother-in-law.  We surprised her by driving over with the goods!  Here's Temple in the car on the way there.
Mom wasn't expecting us but she was pleasantly surprised!
Charles got right to work!
And Temple got busy watering!

I totally love Mom's dog, Coco!
And I think she sees me as that sucker lady(!), because as soon as she sees me she rolls right onto her back so that I can give her a tummy rub!
Just check out the closed eyes!!!
Thanks for looking and Happy Scrapping!


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

I adore these beautiful photos of Temple! I know this was a fantastic day for you guys!
kim xXx

Do What You Love said...

Robin, these are great photos. How cool for Temple to take her task seriously and be involved in the planting. Also, good that your husband went to work right away - some men find it easier to wait until "tomorrow." HAHA Looks like you all had a great day and Coco was having a fine time being treated with TLC! TFS those fabby pictures! How are you doing? I hope you are doing well! :)

Barb Craft said...

Robin... these are great photos...and a great suprise for mom!! She must have loved seeing all of you show up with beautiful plants!! What a great day of family fun!!
Barb :)

kate blue said...

wish I had room to have a garden like that ! And the temps too, we are still wearing sweaters (well I am) here in MD with all the rain..I may start some plants indoors though! Great pics!!!

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