Sunday, January 31, 2010

I am so Honored and Touched...

So I made myself a cup of green tea with steamed milk this morning, and I sat down to my laptop to check my emails.   There was an email from my Blog Sister, EssenseVibez. 

Here is what she said:

"here's a gift for being a faithful follower of my blog--
you have inspired me in so many ways with your blog posts
you're very creative and it shows in your work--
keep your positive vibez flowin' my sistah!

love you much!"

I am so honored and touched by this lovely gift!!!  Thank you so much EssenseVibez!


Unknown said...

Okay that song tears me up before I even here a voice, sweet

Do What You Love said...

Congratulations Robin. You are such a wonderful person and so very inspiring to us all! Have a wonderful Sunday! ;D

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Aw, so very sweet! Congrats to you!
Kim xXx

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