Friday, January 29, 2010

Sketch Friday at Practical Scrappers

It's Sketch Friday over at Practical Scrappers!  Here is the sketch by Lucy this week:
And here is my interpretation of the sketch:
I know it's still fairly early but I just can't keep my eyes open!  Until tomorrow, have a blessed and serene evening!

Best regards and Happy Scrapping!


Do What You Love said...

HAHA, Robin, bedtime..LOL! I'm laughing because my husband is an early sleeper too. While he's snoring away, I'm I sneak off to my craft space and if inspired, do a little craft or two. I love your layouts and Temple is the perfect focus. She's so cute and very photogenic. She's going to love having her own albums when she's older; such a great story for her to see unfold page after page (especially as we get older and memory suspends from time to time). :-p

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Let's begin with just how beautiful Temple is!!!! Love the facepaint. Looks like this was a blast! Next, your layout is incredible! Love the patterned paper you chose and your flowers.....LOVE them! Fantastic creation, as always!
Kim xXx

Jamie Harder said...

Beautiful page! I love the facepaint too:-)

Sandi Clarkson said...

What a fantastic layout. I am loving this sketch and am going to have to do it. The punch work is great and love the patterned paper! Great flower. And my what great pix!

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Best regards and Happy Scrapping!
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