Sunday, February 21, 2010

A New Blog Award!

I feel so lucky and blessed to have such great blog friends!  I am thrilled to have received this very sweet blog award from my blog friend Sparksgal!!!
Thank you so much Sparksgal!  I was having a wonderful family day with Charles, Temple and my mother-in-law (we went bowling), and receiving this award just made my wonderful day Great!

So to the rules for me and those I present this award to:
  • Pass this award to 6 blog friends/followers
  • Link awardees back to their blogs
  • Leave a comment on awardees' blogs that you have an award for them
  • Add a link back to the person who gave you this award
I am so happy to present this award to:
  1. Mo
  2. Kim
  3. EssenseVibez
  4. Terry
  5. Jewels
  6. Jamie
Thanks Ladies for being such good blog friends and please go and spread some Sunshine!!!

Happy Scrapping!


Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Robin, I'm so very honored to accept this award from you! I appreciate you thinking me and right back at you! :-)
Kim xXx

~EssenseVibez~ said...

Robin, you're such a great blog friend--i'm so glad God had us cross paths with one another--remain blessed!

Unknown said...

Oh Robin thanks sooooo much! Thanks for thinking of me! Hope all is well with you!!!


Do What You Love said...

Robin, you impressed me from day one and I am so honored you thought of me for this award. Funny, because I did the same and thought of you when Sandy presented it to me (check out my blog). You are a Godsend! Thank you! ;p

Jamie Harder said...

THANKS sweetie!!! Wow what an honor!

Unknown said...

Robin! Thank you so much for blessing me with your sweet award! I appreciate you thinking of me. I can't figure out how to copy the picture, but as soon as I do I will post it on my blog! Thank you my dear friend!

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Best regards and Happy Scrapping!
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