Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Practical Scrappers - Stamps!

This week's challenge is Stamps!!! You can use any kind of stamp - digi, rubber, acrylic, foam - we want to see all of them! This week there will be a top three and a Grand Prize Winner. The Grand Prize winner will receive bonding powder and a Stampee foil of their choice. What's Stampee foil you ask? Please go and check out the PS site for more info - they are a brand new sponsor of ours and we are delighted to have them! PS will be featuring projects with Stampee Foil every day this week!

Remember to check back here on Thursday for my stamping LO!

Happy Scrapping!

Deadline for entry is Saturday at 5:00 ET

1 comment:

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Robin, I have left something for you on my blog, second post down for today (feb. 25)
Kim xXx

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Best regards and Happy Scrapping!
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