Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Birthday is Coming Up!!!

So I've decided that I would love to give away some blog candy to celebrate my big day.  Starting today, I will add a scrappy piece, and I'll add another piece for each day until my birthday.  That's 64 scrappy items!!!  To spread it around, I'll have 3 winners of 1 large, 1 medium and 1 small package of goodies.  Starting on Friday, I'll post a picture of what I've purchased so far, and I'll do that every Friday until the big day, yay!!!  The rules are simple:  just add a comment to this post which I will keep at the top of my blog until my birthday on May 12th (also please feel free to become a follower/friend, if you so choose).  I'll use a random generator to pick the winners!  There are no restrictions regarding where you live, everyone everywhere is welcome!!!  I've also created a separate page that you can click on at the top of my blog so you can take a look at the goodies!

So please make sure to make your comments and tell your scrappy friends to drop by and leave a comment and/or become a follower as well!

Happy Scrapping!


A Rup Life said...

Happy Early Birthday!!

Jamie Lane Designs said...

Wow, that is a lot of goodies! Thanks for the opportunity and Happy "future" Birthday! :)

Random Acts of Krafting said...

I just want to wish you a Happy Birthday. I hope all your dreams manifest and come true this year.

Bobbi said...

Wow, 64 pieces, that is so generous of you. Thanks for the chance to win!

Barb Craft said...

What a fun way to do blog candy!! And three winners spreads the fun a little more!! Happy Birthday to you!!!
Barb :)

Do What You Love said...

Okay, you have to tell me the day of your celebration - I need to post it on TP! ;D

janis said...

happy birthday!!! hope you'll have a blast celebrating it!!!!

take care and god bless sweetie!


Heidi M said...

Wow! What a fun and exciting way to celebrate! Happy early birthday and thanks for the opportunity.

Heidi :)

Jess (aka Sparksgal) said...

I hope you have a fabulous birthday! What a generous way to celebrate.

Sheila H said...

I hope you have a great birthday! Thanks so much for the chances to win some great blog candy!

shari said...

Robin, Happy Birthday early!! Thanks so much for the RAK. I'm already a follower. Shari (cricutrookie)

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Yummy! This is going to be some delicious candy! I'm linking you up on my sidebar!
Blessings and hugs,
Kim xXx

btw, LOVE the new blog look

Shelly said...

Thanks for the opportunity and Happy Early Birthday to you!

Agata said...

Wow! Looks great! My birthday is also in May! I become a follower to be able to wish you a HB on time!

shari said...

Wow, this is great. Happy Birthday to you early! Shari (cricutrookie)

juli (sweetpz) said...

Wow! great giveaways!..thanks for the many chances to win!
i'm a follower!

hugs and wishing you an early Happy Birthday!


Kiwi The Kreator said...

You are soo sweet to do this HUGE giveaway!!! I pray your fam is as good to you as you're being to others!

Always with a Sentiment said...

Hello Robin. How very generous of you to do this. Someone is going to be very happy.
Happy Birthday, even though its early, will mark the day down. Thank you for the opportunity.
Happy crafting.
Love sandra xx

Ginger (Games) said...

Happy Birthday! Early! May is the best month (my BD too, 2). Great gifts. Make sure you enjoy your day!

Chantal Vandenberg said...

Happy Birthday! You are a very generous girl! :)

gocanucksgo said...

Hi Robin! New follower here. Happy early birthday!!! Thanks for doing such a fantastic giveaway and allowing your visitors to celebrate with you =)

Anonymous said...

sign me up for some goodies! i may even treat you to one back for your birthday!

TanishaRenee said...

I absolutely adore your blog header, who created it? I need one so bad for my blog.

Dragon said...

Oh Happy Birthday when it comes,honey... I haope you have a great day. Thanks foryour lovely comment on my blog

Chantal Vandenberg said...

I've now become a follower to your awesome rockin' blog! :D

Audrey Frelx said...

Hi, RobinJ!!! Thanks so much for visiting me and becoming a friend (follower)!!! I am so glad you were directed to me by Treva -- she's a wonderful friend and crafter!!!

Well, it's looks like I'm just in time for some blog candy, huh? Well, happy birthday to you and I wish you many, many more!!! LOL!!! Well, sign me up because I've already been taking a peak around and I really have enjoyed my visit. I love your blog layout too! I'll be following you closely. I try to visit all my friends as often as I can.

By the way, did you notice my craft showcases? I hope to see you enter, and allow your talent to possibly be seen on my blog!!! The fairies are always happy to find crafters who motivate and inspire!!!

Well, thanks again, and now that I've got you I'll be working on not letting you go, so just get relaxed and comfortable -- LOL!

I'll be seeing you, my friend!!!

Lillian Child said...

WOW - thanks for sharing your birthday with all of us bloggers with such fabulous blog candy!! Hope your day is filled with friends, family, fun ... and CAKE!

Jingle said...

Well, Happy Early Birthday! Your blog header is seriously the cutest ever! I love it! Thanks for this fun chance!

C. Sage Deerborn said...

Hope your birthday is grand. It sounds like you have a wonderful fsmily to celebrate it with. 50 is when life begins again.

Irit Shalom said...

Happy birhtday Robin!! What a great candy!!

Steph Ackerman said...

Well happy early birthday to you. Thanks for the chance to win.

connie said...

Happy Early Birthday! This is the first time to your blog but after reading it I have become a follower.

Sandra Wilson said...

Let me tell ya, from someone who knows, 50 only hurts for a little while. You just pick yourself up every day and keep on going. That's it, the only advice I can give. Seriously, have a very happy day with your loved ones and from one NY'ker to another, isn't being a transplant great???????? I love it here in FL too.

Jean said...

What a nice thing to do on your special day! Signed up to follow! THank you for a chance to win.


Tanstar said...

a big birthday needs to be celebrated - thanks for sharing the love.
I see you were artastic challenge winner in nov. Shazza is my friend and downline in stampin up! - small world. Happy scrappin and big 50!

Carol said...

happy early b-day!! thanks for the chance to win!

Vicki said...

Happy Birthday early. Hope it's a great day.

Laura Stewart said...

happy birthday !!!

Shazza said...

Hi Robin!

Happy Birthday for May way you are going to be the big '5'- '0' you look much too young :)

You are such a dear giving away all this blog candy in celebration of your Birthday.... I hope it comes back to you two fold cause you are a Gem!

Dont forget to join in ARTastic next month for our 1st birthday celebrations as well, I would love for you to win something.

Keep in touch


Priya said...

Advanced Bday wishes ...And wat a lovely giveaway...i hope i win ...:)

Priya said...

Advanced Bday wishes ...And wat a lovely giveaway...i hope i win ...:)

Cheryl said...

Wow - you are so generous! Happy (early)Birthday to you!

AJ said...

Happy Birthday! Have fun!

Jennifer Hansen said...

Happy Early Birthday!

jlh774 at gmail dot com

Lilly said...

Happy Birthday =DDD
And thanks for the chance.

Dyane said...

advance happy bday!=)

tracy said...

Happy early Birthday. I hope you get your wish. Thank you for the opportunity to win so man amazing goodies. You are so thoughtful and considerate. Have a great birthday and good luck every one

Alison said...

Happy Early Birthday! Thanks for the opportunity to win some awesome stuff!

Chiara Handmade said...

Happy Birthday!!!
A good year of... scrapbooking XD
Thanks for the chance ^^

Rosalee said...

Hey there Robin, I know its Early but Happy Birthday to you. Mine is on the 7th of May and I'm totally psyched about it. I love your blog, its very cool.
I am more then happy to become a follower cause its always fun to find new and inspirational stuff on other blogs. Thanks for the invite. Your candy sounds and looks wonderful, good luck to everyone.
Hugs, Rosalee

Carolina said...

Happy birthday and thanks for a great giveaway! Had a look at your blog and loved it!

D said...

Happy Early Birthday Robin! Loved looking through your blog. Your babes are sooo cute! Your RAK is fantastic. Thanks for doing it :)

Irinca said...

I have added it to my sidebar on my blog
Thanks for the chance to win

Claude said...

Let me wish you Happy Birthday!
I'm off to add you in my sidebar.

Lisa Walsh @ said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you Robin :) Woo Hoo..I really hope you have a wonderful Birthday :) Wow look at all this blog candy. Amazing! The winner will be having a their own birthday when its recieved lol. How generous of you Robin. I have been scrappin' for 10 yrs now & now I have started stampin! My partner is wonderin why he's getting too much time on his own lol. Oh well, it can't be helped lol. I've added you to my side bar as well as a follower now. Take care Robin & have a beautiful birthday. Hugs Lisa

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